Dr. Antonio Ruiz de Azúa Mercadal
doctor (Barcelona)
en la página web Amigos de Chiari en 2004.
The collagen
inside the cartilage, the sinews and fascias form a very compact mesh that,
under a moderate traction, has a certain capacity of recovery. The abrupt or
repeated vertebral manipulations, if been they have not been well indicated,
can produce collagen fatigue and impede their capacity of regenerating.
Injuries in the vertebral ligament collagen can be the reason for vertebral
manipulations (direct vertebral techniques, of a great speed and small
amplitude) formally are contraindicated in the skull-cervical malformations.
Fast movements in an irregular vertebra can produce unpredictable
displacements. There are soft tissues malformations associated to bon
malformations, that is the reason why the vertebral biomechanics of this zone
is unstable.
manipulations with direct techniques must assemble the following conditions:
1º. The
manipulation must be properly justified and indicated.
2º. There mustn’t
be any alterations in the vertebral form that constitutes the joint to
manipulate. For example, neither congenital malformations nor degenerative
artropatias must be manipulated
3º. During
manipulation is due to apply the smaller force possible and addressed it to a
precise direction. The joint must be well located.
4º. The number of
sessions must be as minimum as possible.
5º. It is necessary
to consider the whole human body and the effects that a manipulation may
produce on other structures.
The existence of
diseases in patients with a marrow in tension introduces a new element to
consider in the contraindications to the direct spine manipulations. Direct
manipulations are based on classic joints physiology studies, in which tension
inside the vertebral conduit is not valued (marrow, meninges, etc). We can
consider spinal cord and meninges like an anatomic unit in tension. So, the spinal
cord and its annexes could be considered as one of the structural elements of
greater length in the human body. Therefore, patients with diseases in which
this traction force or spinal cord tension is increased, the abrupt
manipulations of the spine could be the cause of injuries (local or remote) in
the marrow.
Between the
contraindications in the joint vertebral manipulations we will emphasize:
a) Joint degenerations
1º Arthritic
processes: inflammatory arthritis, ankilose espondiloarthritic, inflammatory
diseases, Scheuermann disease etc.
2º Degenerative
arthrosis processes with danger of injures or fractures of the bony
proliferations, the cartilage or the joint capsule.
3º Vertebral
4º Metabolic
diseases that cause bone tissue fragility (endocrine diseases, osteoporosis,
treatments with corticoid drugs, etc).
5º Recent
traumatism, joint fractures, rips or luxations, and specially atlanto axoidea
unstability (unstable apophysis).
6º Hyperlaxityc
ligament, and specially atlanto axoidea unstability (unstable apophysis).
7º Surgical
vertebral union
b) Congenital bone malformations
1º Skull-cervical
malformations: Arnold Chiari malformation,
basilar impression, etc.
2º "Filum
terminale" fixation in the spina bifida (Tethered cord syndrome).
3º Spina bifida
4º Severe
idiopathic scoliosis
5º Apophysis
6º Hemi vertebral column
7º Sacralitation
of lumbar vertebral column and lumbaritation of sacral vertebral column
c) Cardiovascular and haematological alterations
1º Blood
circulation disorders in the skull base (vertebro-basilar insufficiency,
visual disorders caused by an arterial compression, carotid blood circulation
disorders , etc).
Arteriosclerosis with aortic calcification.
3º Aortic
4º Clotting
disorders (including treatments for clotting disorders). Thrombosis
5º Arterial
6º Recent
myocardium infarct
d) Neurological alterations
1º Intervertebral
disc herniadiagnosed by TAC or RMN. In these cases there are exceptions that
will be valued according to the type of injury.
2º Tractus piramidal" syndrome
3º "Caudo Equina" Syndrome
4º Acute
e) Psychological diseases
1º Serious
psychiatric diseases.
2º Patient that
expresses fear to manipulation.
f) Others
1º Tumors that are
based in the bone (benign and malignant).
2º Joint or bone
infectious diseases
3º Pregnant Women.
4º Children and
elder patients
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