Dr. Antonio Ruiz de Azúa Mercadal
Osteopathic doctor (Barcelona)
Publicado en 2004 en la página web Amigos de
The congenital malformations of the
spine nervous tissue may produce chronic irritation, contraction andpain in the
muscles that are undertheir influence. This permanentcontraction produces a
vesselalteration and exudes out substancesto the intestine tissue with
theconsequent inflammation and edema.If this situation persists along the time,
the tissues will become fibrous and will withdraw. This situation will produce
a close circle of pain and contraction. With time this secondary stiffness and
contraction become independent of the causes that produced them.
There is not always an agreement
between the radiograph results and the symptoms that patients suffer from
skull-cervical malformations.
We must distinguish between the
symptomatology directly caused by malformations and the one result of secondary
injuries in tissues around the malformation. For example, we can observe that
the degrees of deviation of the scoliosis (measured by x-rays) remain stable
whereas the patient undergoes a backache increase. Sometimes, also, we can
observe a patient who undergoes a progressive increase of paresthesias and pain
in the superior extremities, without any change in the syringomielia cavity.
Physiotherapy and osteopathy are
very useful in the skull-cervical malformations. We should not speak about
non-recoverable neurological injuries, but of not rehabilitated neurological
The osteopathy does not correct the
deficiencies in the anatomical structures but it improves the physiology of the
soft tissues that surround them.
In order to understand the
osteopathy treatment bases we must consider osteopathy founder, Dr Still. Far,
who was a supporter of surgery practices when the osteopathy techniques failed,
reason why the osteopathy treatments would have to be complementary of the
surgical ones.
Fascias are the tissues surrounding
and uniting all the organs in the human body. Nutrients and oxygen arrive at
all the cells in the organism through them. In order to explain the fascia
function, Dr Still compared them with a culture field. Blood in the sanguineous
circulation waters this field with nutritious substances whereas the venous and
lymphatic systems drain it. The nervous system directs and coordinates the
irrigation of this tissue. If a nervous compression or a diminution of the
sanguineous circulation takes place, this land won’t be properly irrigated,
with the consequent alteration of the cellular physiology.
Inside the tissue we found a
collagen fiber net that contribute to form them.
These nets form a shell sensible to
the traction produced during the manual therapy. Osteopathy acts in the
collagen fiber structure increasing elasticity. With time it diminishes the
retraction and the fibrosis and improves the interstitial circulation.
All these physical improvements
produce a diminution of the symptoms (pain, etc).
In some medical publications it is
possible to read that the symptomatology improvement obtained by osteopathy
treatment with medicinal plants, acupuncture and vertebral mobilizations are
due to placebo effect. These affirmations only demonstrate the ignorance
existing around osteopathy. In osteopathy, medicinal plants are not prescribed;
neither uses acupuncture and in rapport to vertebral manipulations, is only one
between numerous techniques that the osteopath performs. In the web pages of
some international associations of Arnold - Chiari patients it is possible to
read that osteopathy is not recommendable for patients with skull-cervical
diseases. This is sustained by the belief that osteopathy involves only
vertebral manipulations, ignoring that the professionals have very useful
techniques for soft tissue treatment.
The problem is aggravated because
there are people who call themselves osteopaths and use techniques that don’t
have nothing to do with the osteopathy.
It is difficult that economic
resources be addressed to osteopathy investigation. The osteopathy is not
recognized by the public health and it d oes not interest to the pharmaceutical
laboratories, which are mainly people in charge of financing the medical
research. Also investigation about this subject is difficult because osteopathy
treatments cannot be compared, there is a different treatment for every
different pathology and patient.
An osteopathy protocol cannot be made,
manual therapy cannot be standardized since there is a different treatment
suitable to each particular patient. Also it is difficult to make a protocol
for skull-cervical malformations treatments because under this name are
reunited numerous diseases that don’t have a defined limit among them. For
example, many of these diseases have in common the tension increase in the
spinal marrow, and Arnold Chiari Malformation, scoliosis or syringomielia
symptoms might be confused.
As we have already indicated, a part
of the symptoms of the skull-cervical malformations is located in soft tissues
(muscles, fascias, sinews, etc). Acting on soft tissues does not treat its
origin but it allows us to improve these patients quality of life.
Fascias and sinews insertions are
very sensible structures to pain due to the great amount of sensitive
completions in them. All the chronic muscular contractions caused by a nervous
irritation, a mechanical overload or emotional tensions, stimulate these
nervous receivers and produce pain. It is possible that this situation is one
of the origins of the pain in the trigger points.
Dr. Sutherland proposed the
skullosteopathy therapies for muscleskeletal disturbances treatment In this
brief article its anatomical bases cannot be exposed, but we will mention that
it described the presence of a mechanical force that runs inside the spine from
the skull to the sacrum.
Sutherland attributed this force transmission to the spinal dura madre..
In order to reach this conclusion it was used the palpation, since in that time
TAC and RMN did not exist. Thanks to the investigations of the
Neuro-radiologist Dr Roth, defended nowadays by neurosurgeon Dr Royo-Salvador,
we know that there is a force inside the encephalic mass that is transmitted
through the spinal marrow, inside the spine, until the coccyx insertion by the
"filum terminale" and the sacrum coccys ligament. This has been
demonstrated by TAC and RMN images.
In this techniques slight pressures
with the hands are made on the head and the pelvic waist. These techniques
hardly produce mobilizations in the vertebral joints. The positioning of the
professional hands in the base of the head of the patient (to the height of the
occipital bone) is pleasant and relaxes the later muscles of the neck.
If, as their detractors indicate,
the skull-osteopathy techniques on the occipital zone (also known as
compression of the IVº ventricle) do not produce any action, would mean that
they are not dangerous and, at lease, they would not be contraindicated. The
support of the professional hands under the patient sacrum does not produce
either any great vertebral movement, that is why, we do not find any
justification to contraindicate them in the patients with skull-cervical malformations.
Other interesting osteopathy
techniques are those that acting on fascias and they are directed to liberate
the joints in which they are inserted, like for example the shoulders blade
liberation techniques.
This pair of bones is located in a
key place of the back; where there are some muscles that connect them with the
superior extremity, with the head and the spine. If we improved the shoulder
blade mobility, we produce an improvement in the muscle tension of all the back.
In the simplest fascia shoulder blade liberation technique.
The patient stretches in a way that
their shoulder blade rest on the therapist palms. Next the therapist, taking
advantage of the patient weight and breathing, performs with its hands small
movements and the patient gains mobility in that zone progressively.
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